Cost Estimates
General Information
All team members pay a base fee of $200 + cost of each additional program they register in.
Freeskate A, B, C, Skills, and Adult learn to skate are all done BY TERM whereas Synchro is a mandatory 2 term commitment.
Group fundraising money goes towards Freeskate and Synchro skaters only. Individual fundraising money is available to all skaters.​
Fee Due Dates
For skaters joining fall term,
Base fee will be due end of September/early October
IF you decide NOT to skate Winter term, final program fees for you will be due end of January/early February
IF you skate Winter term as well, final program fees for you will be due early April
For skaters joining winter term,
The base fee will be due end of January/early February
Final program fees will be due early April
Base Fee: $200
Covers registering you with Skate Canada, Skate Canada school fees, athletes and recreation fees for the school, and other misc administration fees.
Additional Program Fees
Skills B (for one term): $82
Skills C (for one term): $102
Adult learn to skate (for one term): $190
Freeskate A (for one term): $207
Freeskate B (for one term): $194
Freeskate C (for one term): $238
Synchro (for BOTH terms): $688* *very dependent on number of skaters
Other Fees
Passengers pay a small fee to be driven in carpools. This will be added to your program fees each term.
Skating 1 day a week: $5 per term**
2 days a week: $10 per term**
3 days a week: $15 per term**
Team members have the option of buying team merch (e.g. t-shirts, sweaters, backpacks). Prices for different items range from $9-$70.
Team members have the option of doing Star 1-Gold tests through our club. The cost goes to Skate Canada.
Ways to reduce your fees
Carpool Drivers have money subtracted from their program fees depending on how many trips they make that term.
Driving 1 day a week: $20 per term***
2 days a week: $40 per term***
3 days a week: $60 per term***
Volunteers for Adult Learn to Skate and Freeskate Silver have money subtracted from their program fees depending on how many times they show up to volunteer.
Volunteering 1 day a week: $20 per term***
2 days a week: $40 per term***
Someone that drives everyday and volunteers at both sessions can make a total of ~$200 off their fees!
Group fundraisers** (e.g. bottle drive, fun skate fundraisers) goes towards Freeskate and Synchro skaters.
***Fundraising money to reduce fees is directly proportional to the amount of time you are on the ice. (i.e. the more sessions you skate/volunteer on, the more fundraising money you’ll receive)
An individual gift card fundraiser is available for all skaters. In the past, some skaters have made ~$300 off their fees!